

Traveling by train is a pleasant experience, but just like in a vehicle on the road, it is also important to observe the safety rules on the train. Maintaining the safety and security of train passengers and road users is our top priority. . To assist us in this matter and so that we can all enjoy the many advantages of the Light Rail, we have prepared life-saving procedures and instructions for you, the train passengers and road users.


Safety Instructions at Street-Level Stations


  • It is mandatory to obey the warning signs posted on fences, electricity poles and infrastructure along the track route.
  • When approaching the track route and the platforms, stop, look both ways, and listen! Pay attention to train traffic coming from both directions. When approaching the track route and the platforms, stop, look both ways, and listen! Pay attention to train traffic coming from both directions.
  • When waiting at the station platform, stand behind the marked safety line! Do not cross it before the train comes to a complete stop. When waiting at the station platform, stand behind the marked safety line! Do not cross it before the train comes to a complete stop.
  • Listen carefully to the sounds of the train, the bell and the warning horn. Avoid using a mobile phone and other distractions. Avoid using a mobile phone and other distractions.
  • Passengers must be allowed to alight the train before boarding, and it is forbidden to push other passengers.
  • The track area is intended for Light Rail cars only. Entering this area is prohibited and dangerous!
  • It is forbidden to climb the electricity poles and touch or go near the overhead electrification infrastructure, due to the risk of electrocution.
  • It is forbidden to walk on or near the railway tracks. Crossing the tracks must take place at the nearest regulated rail-road junction.
  • It is forbidden to throw objects near a railway overhead electrification line or over a railway bridge.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption in the train areas are strictly prohibited!
  • Have you noticed damage to the overhead electrification infrastructure, torn wires or sparks? You must move away at least 15 meters, warn people in the vicinity and report the malfunction immediately to the emergency hotline at *9943 or to the Israel Police.


Important! Keep in mind that the train is quiet and you may not hear it when it approaches. Train traffic is two-way and therefore one must drive with caution.

For more information on street level safety, click here.


Safety Guidelines at Underground Stations


  • In an emergency, use the emergency stairs only. It is forbidden to use elevators and escalators at this time.
  • Passengers must be allowed to alight the train before boarding, and it is forbidden to push other passengers.
  • The train doors and platform doors at the underground stations are automatic – do not lean on them! Stay clear of the doors when they are closing.
  • Animals whose size allows them to be placed on the lap or carried in the hands or in a bag are allowed into the station and into the cars.
  • Dogs must be muzzled and leashed.
  • A blind person’s guide dog as well as a dog in training wearing a “GUIDE DOG IN TRAINING” vest may board the train when they are leashed.
  • Entering the station with a bicycle or scooter is only allowed when they are folded.
  • It is forbidden to ride a bicycle or scooter inside the station. Controllers and officials are authorized to order a passenger who violates these instructions to leave the station.
  • Do not leave objects unattended.
  • Do not bring objects that may endanger the passengers, such as sharp objects or chemicals and flammable substances.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption on railway premises are strictly prohibited.
  • Hazards or safety incidents must be reported to the customer service hotline through the communication system or by calling *9943.


Safety Guidelines for Train Passengers


  • It is strictly forbidden to try to pass through the doors when they are closing.
  • Do not try to hold doors when they are closing.
  • Do not lean on the doors when the train is moving.
  • Do not disturb or distract the train driver! In an emergency situation only, use the emergency communication button to speak to the driver.
  • When traveling while standing, hold on to a grab handle to prevent falling.


Safety Rules for Using Escalators


  • Do not block the entrance and exit to and from the escalators.
  • Do not use escalators against the direction of their movement.
  • Do not run on the escalators.
  • Stand in the center of the step and be careful not to trip.
  • Keep hands and articles of clothing away from the escalator steps so they don’t get caught.
  • It is forbidden to sit, kneel or hold the stairs while using the escalators. Do not pull or push the railing.
  • It is forbidden to climb or place objects on the railing.


Safety Rules for Using Elevators


  • Do not grab the elevator doors or prevent them from closing.
  • Do not enter the elevator when the doors are closing.
  • Priority must be given to passengers with special needs and the elderly.
  • Passengers must be allowed to exit the elevator before entering.
  • Children under the age of 14 are prohibited from using the elevator without adult supervision.
  • Do not use the elevator during a fire, earthquake or flood. The emergency stairs must be used.



Safety Instructions for Vehicle Drivers Near the Tracks


  • It is forbidden for vehicles to enter an intersection before it clears, to block the intersection, and to interfere with Light Rail traffic.
  • When stopping at an intersection, it is forbidden to exceed the stop line.
  • Do not park or leave a vehicle on or near the tracks, even for a short time.


The Importance of Reporting to the Hotline 9943*


Don’t think twice! Reporting a hazard can save lives!

Call the *9943 hotline and specify a prominent reference point: locality, address, intersection, prominent building, etc.

Describe to the dispatcher the obstacle or safety hazard precisely and clearly to ensure optimal handling of the case.

  • A vehicle is stuck on the track or in the road-rail junction area.
  • Pedestrians entering the underground area of the track.
  • Stones, rocks, planks or other objects placed on the track.
  • Any gathering or suspicious activity in the area of the track or near it that constitutes an obstacle or safety hazard.


The Duty to Obey Railway Officials


The role of the railway officials is first and foremost to help you, the passengers, if necessary. The officials are responsible, among other things, for ensuring the maintenance of order and enforcing the laws. According to the Railroad Regulations, 5772-2012, Article 14, railway officials have various powers, including removing a person from the station premises or from the train, at their discretion, as well as maintaining the order and proper operation of the Light Rail.

It is the duty of the passengers at the stations and on the train to listen to and obey the instructions of the railway officials, including the provision of identification, if they are required to do so. The railway officials are at your service, and if necessary, we welcome you to contact them with any question, request or distress and receive their assistance.


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