
Passengers entitled to exemption from paying for travel by Light Rail


  • Citizens aged 75 and over.
  • The visually impaired.
  • National Service, pre-military or semi-annual preparatory school, national service volunteers and service-year volunteers (on presentation of a valid certificate).
  • Children under the age of 5 (one child accompanied by an adult. A second child is entitled to a 50% discount).
  • Members of the security forces: soldiers in uniform, police officers and prison guards (on presentation of a valid certificate).


Passengers Entitled to Discount


senior citizens


Senior citizens (men aged 67-75 and women aged 62-75) are entitled to a 50% discount.
To receive the benefit, load a suitable profile on your Rav-Kav card.

Loading the profile is conditional on presenting a senior citizen certificate or ID card.




Students are entitled to a 33% discount when loading an accumulated value travel arrangement to their Rav-Kav card.
To receive the benefit, load a suitable profile on your Rav-Kav card by presenting a corresponding certificate.


Semesterly student discount is 50%.


This discount is given on the following dates:

Semester A (October 15 to March 1)
Semester B (February 22 to July 31)
It is also possible to purchase an annual contract (starting on October 15, for one year).

Also, a student with a semester or annual contract may buy a monthly pass to another area at a 45% discount.


Children and youth discount


A 50% discount is given to the following populations:

  • Children aged 5-18 (first child under 5 – free, a second child is entitled to a 50% discount).
  •  Students up to 12th grade or up to the end of the last school year with appropriate certification (whichever is later).
  • Special education students up to the age of 21.


Please Note! To receive the benefit, load a suitable profile to the Rav-Kav card by presenting a certificate showing age or a school certificate.


Disability Discount


National insurance claimants, disabled persons, IDF disabled veterans, and disabled victims of hostilities are entitled to a 50% discount.

To receive the benefit, top-up a suitable profile on your Rav-Kav card by presenting the following certificates:


  • Certificate of receipt of allowance or income supplementation according to the National Insurance Law.
  • Disability certificate from the National Insurance Institute.
  • Certificate of membership in the IDF Disabled Veterans Organization.


Blind Person’s Companion Discount


The companion of a blind person is entitled to a 50% discount on a single one-way ticket.


Please Note!


For full information on discounts and entitlements, click here.


Discounts in Accumulated Value Travel Arrangement


Accumulated value is an arrangement that allows a certain amount to be charged to the Rav-Kav card for individual trips. This arrangement, just like the various contracts, can be purchased at a discount according to the passengers’ discount profile (National Insurance claimants, disabled persons, senior citizens, students, children and youth).


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