
The Rav-Kav Card



Rav-Kav is a smart card used for all types of public transport in Israel. Passengers who are entitled to a special discount on public transport, such as senior citizens, disabled persons, students and youth, can benefit from it by applying for a Rav-Kav card with a special eligibility profile.


To check eligibility, click here: “One Way”.

Types of Rav-Kav Cards



  • When the card is issued, the passenger’s right to a discount, which is applied in advance upon each charge, is determined.
  • The card allows the loading of all contracts and arrangements, such as accumulated value, periodic contracts (daily, weekly and monthly pass) and a single ticket.
  • The cardholder’s photo and name are printed on the back of the card.
  • The Rav-Kav card can be used for eight years from the date of issue.
  • If the card is lost or damaged, the amount of the balance on the card can be recovered.



  • The cost of issuing this card is NIS 5.
  • When the card is issued, the passenger’s right to a discount, which is applied in advance upon each charge, is determined.
  • The card allows the loading of all contracts and arrangements, such as accumulated value, periodic contracts (daily, weekly and monthly pass) and a single ticket.
  • The balance of the accumulated amount on the card is not insured in case of loss or theft, but only in the case of a faulty card.



  • The cost of issuing this card is NIS 5.
  • The card allows loading of accumulated value, a daily periodic contract or individual trips.
  • The card can be reloaded without limit.
  •  The card does not include identifying details and therefore does not allow discounts.
  • In the event of loss, theft or malfunction, it is not possible to receive a refund for the balance on the card.


Please Note! The card does not allow the loading of a nationwide pass contract.


Rav-Kav Card Issuance



A new Rav-Kav card can be issued in the following ways:



Please Note!

  • The purchase of travel arrangements at discounts will only be possible with a personal Rav-Kav card.
  • To issue a new Rav-Kav card, you must have an identity card, passport or driver’s license.
  • Children under the age of 16 are required to be accompanied by a parent and present the parent’s ID card along with the appendix.
  • Those entitled to discounts are required to have appropriate documents.


Loading the Rav-Kav Card


Before loading, you must understand which travel contract or arrangement is suitable for you according to the frequency of travel: daily pass, nationwide pass, accumulated value or a single trip.


Load the card and pay for the arrangement/travel contract you have chosen using:

  • websites • Rav-Kav Online or HopOn.
  •  Ticket machines located at every Dankal station. Please Note! It is not possible to claim contracts or arrangements that do not include travel on the Red Line of Dankal.

Types of Rav-Kav loading Arrangements


Free Nationwide


A contract that allows unlimited travel by public transport within the range of up to 225 km. This contract cannot be loaded on an anonymous Rav-Kav card.


Daily Pass


A daily pass allows free travel on public transport on the day of purchase only. You must choose the appropriate arrangement for the range of travel planned for that day (up to 15 km or over 15 km).


Accumulated value


Accumulated value is a sum of money that is used for individual trips on all means of public transport in Israel. This arrangement provides a discount according to the passengers’ discount profile (national insurance claimants, disabled persons, senior citizens, students, children and youth).


Single trip


A single trip arrangement can be loaded depending on the travel distance. In this arrangement, travel validation within a range of up to 15 km allows transitioning between the various means of transportation for 90 minutes.


For more information on discounts and entitlements, click here.


Please Note! The travel ticket must be validated each time before boarding the Dankal and in all travel arrangements! Failure to validate may result in the imposition of an increased fare.



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