


In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Transportation, validating duty applies to all trips by all passengers, regardless of profiles that qualify for a discount or free travel, including citizens aged 75 and over. . From time to time, control of the ticketing means (Rav-Kav card and apps) is carried out by the Light Rail controllers.

Passengers discovered without a legally valid Rav-Kav or mobile app will be charged an increased fare (fine).


Fares at Dankal


Fares for public transport are set in accordance with the Ministry of Transportation rates reform and are based on the range between the origin station and the destination station, the travel arrangement purchased by the passenger, and his entitlement to discount.


Two fares are available at Dankal:

1. Travel within a range of up to 15 km (yellow rate zone): NIS 5.5.

2. Travel within a range of over 15 km (green rate zone): NIS 12.


For full details on the Ministry of Transportation fares, click here.

Click for the fare calculator .

Validation of Travel Tickets on the Red Line of Dankal


All passengers are required to validate before boarding the car. . Validating a trip is possible in two ways: using an app or using a Rav-Kav card.

The validation duty applies to all types of tickets and to all trips, regardless of profiles that qualify for a discount or free travel, including nationwide pass arrangements, daily pass arrangements, student subscriptions, etc.


Please Note! The travel ticket must be revalidated when transitioning between public transport and the Red Line of Dankal.

Children under the age of 5 do not require validation (one child accompanied by an adult. A second child is entitled to a 50% discount).


Trip Validation via Mobile


1. Download one of the public transport payment apps to your smart device from the app store: Mobit , Pango , Hop-on or Cello

Allow location and camera services.

2. Define red line origin and trip destination.

3. You will receive a QR code to your smart device.


At street-level stations, boarding the train is possible without holding your device against the ticketing machine.

At underground stations, present the received code to the reader at the entrance and exit gates.


Validation via Rav-Kav


At street-level stations, the trip must be validated using the validation devices spread throughout the station platforms before boarding the car. . If the travel distance exceeds 15 km, you will be required to select the destination station to determine the travel rate.


In underground stations, present the Rav-Kav card to the reader at the entrance and exit gates.


Please Note! It is not possible to validate once inside the Dankal car!


Multi-Passenger Validation


Validation is only possible in travel arrangements of the accumulated value type, loaded without a special discount, or accumulated value loaded on a youth profile.


Validation via mobile

  • At any Dankal station, select the number of passengers for whom you wish to validate a trip, and standby to receive the same number of QR codes as the number of passengers you specified.


Validation via Rav-Kav card

  • At street-level stations, when arriving at the validation machine, you will be asked to select the number of passengers and hold your Rav-Kav card against the machine in order to perform the validation. To change the number of passengers, you must place the Rav-Kav card again and select the requested number. Standby for confirmation.
  • In underground stations, go to one of the validation devices, hold the Rav-Kav card against it, and indicate the number of passengers. When passing through the entrance gate to the platform, present the Rav-Kav card and wait until the last passenger passes through.


Please Note! When exiting the underground stations, you will be required to present the QR code for all passengers at the station exit gate.


Validation at Petah Tikva Kiryat Arye Station


To enter or exit the Dankal Kiryat Arye station, you have to pass through the Israel Railways Kiryat Arye station.


Passage via paper ticket

Intended for a one-time transition at no cost. With it you can go between Israel Railways and Dankel.


Please Note! The paper ticket machine is placed in the passenger hall.


Passage using Rav-Kav

  • A monthly pass contract at no cost can be loaded to the Rav-Kav card at the ticketing machines at Kiryat Arye station.


Please Note! A passenger who has loaded a monthly passage contract to his card is not required to have a paper passage ticket.


Passage via app

  • Choose travel by Israel Railways and define Kiryat Arye station as both departure and destination. Standby to receive a QR code and validate it at the entrance and exit.
  • After leaving the Israel Railways gates, validate the trip as required. This operation is subject to a fee.


90-Minute Transit Trips.


For 90 minutes from the time of validation, unlimited travel is possible on buses and Dankal within a range of up to 15 km (yellow trip), at the cost of a single trip (NIS 5.5).


Remember! Although no payment is added, each trip must be validated!


Increased Fare (Fine)


According to the law and under the guidance of the Ministry of Transportation, prepare a suitable travel arrangement in advance, validate it with the validation device, and verify that the validation is correct.


Please Note! It is not possible to purchase travel arrangements on the Dankal car. . From time to time, control of the ticketing means (Rav-Kav card and apps) is carried out by the Light Rail controllers. Passengers discovered without a valid Rav-Kav or mobile app will be charged an increased fare (fine).


For more information on the subject, click here.




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